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PE Exam Study Material Options and My Preferences – HVAC and Refrigeration
- By Blake
- On
In this article we will discuss PE exam study material options and my recommendations for the HVAC and Refrigeration PE exam. These are not the only options available, but I did the research to distill the best that is out there. Do your research and make the decision that works best for you. Buy the required reference material if you don’t know anyone that has them handy for you to borrow.
You need them!

1: “Required” Reference Material
Strictly speaking, no reference material is required per NCEES, but I call this list of PE exam study material “required” because in my strong opinion you must have these to be successful on the exam.
- Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual (MERM) – I highly recommend having a copy of the MERM. It is chock full of equations and tables that you’ll need for the exam and as you study. Check out my full review of the MERM here (link to BP 14 – All About The MERM)
- Six Minute Solutions for Mechanical PE Exam HVAC and Refrigeration Problems – Beg borrow or steal to get your hands on this book. It is by far one of the best purchases you can make for the exam. The questions are very similar to what you’ll find on the exam. Study every question in this book until you know it by memory.
- NCEES Practice Exam – This, along with the Six Minute Solutions book, is a must for the HVAC exam. You’ll want to read these questions and solutions over and over until you know them all by memory. Tab this book and refer to it often. I highly recommend it.
- Engineering Pro Pak Study Course – This is the course I developed specifically for the PE Exam. It’s chock full of relevant practice problems that are similar to those on the exam. This is the only course you need if you’re serious about passing the PE exam the first time!
- Mechanical PE Sample Exam by Lindenburg – This book claims to be the most realistic practice test for the PE exam. The questions are approximately 25-50% more difficult than the PE exam which is not ideal. Outside of my study course, which is the best representation of the exam you will find, the problems in this sample exam rank third after the Six Minute Solutions and the NCEES Practice Exam. If you have access to this book and the extra time, these problems can be useful. Prioritize the Six Minute Solutions and the NCEES Practice Exam over this book.
- ASHRAE Handbooks and Standards – The following items are the ones you must have for the exam.
- ASHRAE Handbook – Fundamentals
- ASHRAE Handbook – HVAC Systems and Equipment
- ASHRAE Handbook – HVAC Applications
- ASHRAE Handbook – Refrigeration
- ASHRAE Standard 62.1 – Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
- ASHRAE Standard 90.1 – Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Res. Buildings
- You’ll need to have these books because they’ll almost certainly ask you a relatively easy question where you’ll look up the answer in one of these books and can get an easy answer. These are usually available from your office or coworkers. Don’t worry about tabbing these. There is so much info in them and you’ll get such a low number of questions out of it (1-2 max) that it doesn’t make sense to tab it. The only one I would consider tabbing is the Fundamentals Handbook. There are alot of good equations in there that you may want to tab. Get the latest set you can, but don’t stress out if you don’t have the newest version, especially for the Fundamentals. If you are a member of ASHRAE, you’ll be getting these over the course of several years. This is another good reason to be planning ahead. Also, your company should pay for your ASHRAE membership, so these books will be free for you. The ASHRAE standards listed below can be referenced in the exam and NCEES expects that you will have copies of them available. You are not guaranteed to get any questions about them, but they are generally referenced 1-2 times per exam.
- 101 Solved Mechanical Engineering Problems – This book is similar to the above Mechanical PE Sample Exam by Lindenburg except that the questions are even more involved and difficult. I would not recommend this book due to the length and complexity of the problems. Like the questions in the MERM itself, they will needlessly discourage you and shake your confidence. To be fair it doesn’t claim to be similar to the actual questions on the test but it is not the best use of your time and resources.
- TI-30X Calculator – Click here for the NCEES Examinee Guide and the Calculator Policy. I used the TI-30X and had great success with it. I’m sure other calculators would work fine too though. I liked the TI because I have always used TI calculators in school and was familiar with it. Buy a solar-powered one. That way you don’t have to worry about batteries. Also, make sure you have a backup! Borrow an extra one from a friend like I did or buy an extra one and have it handy for the test. The last thing you want to happen is to have your calculator crap out on you during the exam!
- Tabs, markers highlighters – Get these tabs when you tab your MERM, Six Minute Solutions, NCEES Practice Exam, and other reference material you find necessary. These are the right size, they stick well and you can write on them really well with a fine point Sharpie.
- Desk clock – Even if you have a watch, I recommend getting a small desk clock. Keeping track of your time is so important that it’s worth the 10 bucks to have a backup. The last thing you want is to be in the test and not know what time it is and how much you have left. Do yourself a favor and buy cheap insurance for $10. It’s worth it for your peace of mind alone.
- Charts, tables, notes that have helped you put in a binder. These have to be bound using screw posts, plastic snap binders, ring binders, spiral spring binders or brads. They can’t be loose-leaf and they can’t be stapled. Check out the exam rulebook here.
2: Optional Reference Material
These are some additional PE exam study material that you may want to consider using in your studying. If you have access to these already, it would be a good idea to check them out. I would not recommend purchasing them for the test because it wouldn’t be worth the money.
- Cameron Hydraulic Data Handbook – I have not had any experience with this book, but some test takers say it comes in very handy. From what I can tell, it is highly regarded. I passed with an 85 the first time and didn’t need this book. If you have access to it at the office or from a friend, it wouldn’t hurt to get your hands on it and check it out.
- NFPA 90A – Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems – I would take this with you if you have it handy at the office. There may be a question referencing this, but not likely. I wouldn’t go buy it if I didn’t already have it.
- ASME Steam Tables – Steam tables are given in the MERM, but some people like to have a separate copy for convenience. You can purchase these separately or make copies of the tables in the MERM and staple them together as a quick reference.
It’s important to emphasize that you must not only have these materials, but you must know how to use them! They do you no good if you aren’t familiar with them. To acquire the data from them that you are looking for, you must know them.
3: PE Exam Study Material Options – Bottom Line
These are my recommendations for the best and most effective PE exam study material for success on the exam. Do your research and make the decision that is right for you. I won’t recommend something to you that I didn’t have success with myself.
Remember that it’s critical that you are familiar with each of the reference materials that you bring with you to the exam. Just throwing them in the cart to have on exam day won’t do you any good.
Note: This post contains affiliate links to products I recommend for you to have for the PE exam. I make a small commission off the sale of each affiliate item that you purchase through my site. This does not increase the cost to you, but it helps me with the cost of running this blog. If you’d rather, you can do a Google search for the items yourself and I won’t receive anything. But I would appreciate your support!