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Suggested Study Plan for the HVAC and Refrigeration PE Exam

One of the most important keys to your success on the PE Exam is having the right study plan. It will serve as your road map as you traverse the landscape of subject matter and material you must cover to be prepared for the exam.

I have outlined below my suggested study plan for you. Follow this plan and cover these subjects and you WILL be prepared and you WILL be successful.

This study plan is based off the NCEES test specifications and is the study plan my course is based on. Using this plan and my course will guarantee your success on the PE exam.

You’ll want to allot 4 months for your studying. The schedule indicated below is based on a 4-month window.

Discussion about the suggested study plan for the HVAC and refrigeration PE exam.
  • 2 hours daily weekdays – 10 Hours/Week
  • 5 hours per day on weekends – 10 Hours/Week
  • 20 Hours/Week
  • 10 Weeks to achieve 200 Hours – 2 ½ months prep time
  • 1 hour daily weekdays – 5 Hours/Week
  • 3 hours per day on weekends – 6 Hours/Week
  • 11 Hours/Week
  • 18 Weeks to achieve 200 Hours – 4 ½ months prep time
  • 1 hour daily weekdays – 5 Hours/Week
  • 5 hours per day on weekends – 10 Hours/Week
  • 15 Hours/Week
  • 13 Weeks to achieve 200 Hours – 3 ½ months prep time

Plus 1 week buffer in the beginning and 1 week buffer right before the test.

The buffer weeks are not off weeks, but extra time to allow for life getting in the way because it will happen. Right before the test, you’ll need some days to wind down and take your mind off the test and prepare for test day. This time is a catch-all for whatever issues may arise during the course of your studying.

If you’re taking the sping (April) exam, I suggest you start studying no later than January 1st. Make it your New Year’s resolution to begin the process of studying to obtain your PE license. That’s a great New Year’s resolution!

If you’re taking the fall exam (October) I suggest you start studying no later than the 5th of July (right after the 4th of July holiday). This will give you the same 4 month window as above which will put you in the best position for success.

Keep in mind that this are the dates for you to begin STUDYING. The deadlines for prerequisite activities such as applications and experience records are before these dates and should already be complete before you begin studying!

The study plan is given below. Here is a handy PDF copy.

I have indicated the subjects that will be on the test as well as how long I suggest you study for each topic.

2 responses to “Suggested Study Plan for the HVAC and Refrigeration PE Exam”

  1. Sweta Agarwal says:


    This is very helpful.

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