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What to Do During the Days Leading Up to the PE Exam

Have you considered what you should do during the days leading up to the PE exam?

How do you shift gears from full on study mode to preparing for test day?

About a week before the test you should focus on wrapping up any loose ends in your studying.  Now is a good time to spend a couple of days working on your weakest subject. Take the time to shore up a weak spot or two.  Do extra practice problems in these subjects and study the solutions.  Spending extra time on these areas should boost your confidence, especially if you followed my 80% rule on the other subjects in the test scope.

Discussion about what to do during the days leading up to the PE exam.

Do this during the first 2-3 days of the final week.  

After that, you are literally days away from test day.  The goal is to ramp down your hardcore studying and begin to do a high level overview of where you stand on your overall preparation.  

It’s important to keep your mind right and think positively.  Focus on how far you have come and how much you know. Don’t focus on the areas that you are more unsure about.  No matter how well you prepare, you WILL feel insecure about certain subjects or portions of the test.  Don’t give into that fear or uncertainty.  Everybody feels it but the successful test takers are able to overcome it.

During this week, you want to eat well and get plenty of sleep.  The last thing you need is to start getting a cold or something before the test.  

But just as importantly as eating and sleeping right is to NOT MAKE ANY SIGNIFICANT LIFESTYLE CHANGES DURING THIS WEEK.  The week before the PE exam is not the time to start your new diet, start exercising, change medications, move, change jobs, etc.  You are in lifestyle coasting mode during this week.  You should keep everything as normal in your life as possible because you want to eliminate the chance of having something detrimental or distracting happen to you leading up to the test and on test day.  The week after your test is a great time to do anything like this.  Wait until then.

The days leading up to the PE exam should be spent relaxing and taking your mind off the test and not studying.  The last thing you want to do the day before the test is stressing out by last second cramming for the exam or having to work.  Plan ahead to take the day before the test off.  There’s alot more to test day and the day before.

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